Title: Two different sides of life

Size: 75 x 50 cm

Material: Canvas

Year: 2021

Price: 1.500 € SOLD

Donado en la Gala de Cambio de Collares del Rotary Club of Madrid Serrano celebrada el 26 de Junio de 2023 para la recaudación de fondos destinada al Proyecto “Formación en saludo materno-infantil para jóvenes mujeres en Gondar – Etiopía” promovido por Rotary Club Madrid Serrano Distrito 2201

Two Different Sides of Life represents the contrast that exists in every journey—the coexistence of struggle and resilience, darkness and light, hardship and hope. The deep black at the top reflects the unknown, the weight of challenges that can feel overwhelming. Yet, from this darkness, streaks of yellow, red, and green push through, symbolizing strength, perseverance, and the ability to rise beyond adversity. The geometric patterns intersect with raw, organic textures, mirroring the unpredictability of life and the paths we carve within it.

I donated this piece at the Gala de Cambio de Collares del Rotary Club of Madrid Serrano to support maternal and child health training for young women in Gondar, Ethiopia. This cause is profoundly personal to me. My Ethiopian mother did not have the same opportunities or access to care that these women will receive. She faced hardships that many women in her time endured—struggles that could have been eased if only the right support had been available. Knowing that there are people who care enough to make a difference, to invest in the well-being of others, fills me with immense gratitude.

Through this artwork, I hope to not only contribute to this important cause but also honor my mother’s story. It is my way of ensuring that more women have the opportunities she never did, that their futures are shaped by empowerment rather than limitation. This donation is not just about a painting—it is about giving back, about hope, and about being part of a movement that changes lives.